
All prices include Swedish VAT (25%).

Web Lovers offers a snapback service (also known as dropcatching) for domain names that are about to expire. Our pricing is based on a "Dutch auction" model where the price is reduced 30% every day until a buyer is found. All domain names start at the bidding price of 146 000 SEK. During the last 24 days of the release period we lower the price by 30% each day until the night before the domain is released when the minimum bid is 350 SEK. We only accept one order per domain name and they are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

If we fail to register a domain there is no charge whatsoever.

Days before .FI .NO .NU .SE
1 350 SEK 350 SEK 455 SEK 455 SEK
2 455 SEK 455 SEK 455 SEK 455 SEK
3 590 SEK 590 SEK 590 SEK 590 SEK
4 770 SEK 770 SEK 770 SEK 770 SEK
5 1000 SEK 1000 SEK 1000 SEK 1000 SEK
6 1300 SEK 1300 SEK 1300 SEK 1300 SEK
7 1690 SEK 1690 SEK 1690 SEK 1690 SEK
8 2200 SEK 2200 SEK 2200 SEK 2200 SEK
9 2850 SEK 2850 SEK 2850 SEK 2850 SEK
10 3710 SEK 3710 SEK 3710 SEK 3710 SEK
11 4820 SEK 4820 SEK 4820 SEK 4820 SEK
12 6270 SEK 6270 SEK 6270 SEK 6270 SEK
13 8150 SEK 8150 SEK 8150 SEK 8150 SEK
14 10590 SEK 10590 SEK 10590 SEK 10590 SEK
15 13770 SEK 13770 SEK 13770 SEK 13770 SEK
16 17900 SEK 17900 SEK 17900 SEK 17900 SEK
17 23270 SEK 23270 SEK 23270 SEK 23270 SEK
18 30250 SEK 30250 SEK 30250 SEK 30250 SEK
19 39300 SEK 39300 SEK 39300 SEK 39300 SEK
20 51100 SEK 51100 SEK 51100 SEK 51100 SEK
21 66450 SEK 66450 SEK 66450 SEK 66450 SEK
22 86400 SEK 86400 SEK 86400 SEK 86400 SEK
23 112300 SEK 112300 SEK 112300 SEK 112300 SEK
> 23 146000 SEK 146000 SEK 146000 SEK 146000 SEK


All prices include Swedish VAT (25%).

As an alternative to our regular dropcatching service we also offer the possibillity to bulk order an expired domain name. We charge a fixed price for each successful bulk order, see price table below. Unlike when you book a domain, a bulk order is not exclusive to one customer and multiple custumers may therefor bulk order the same domain name. Domains that have been bulked may be booked at any time and the booking will then precede the bulk request.

If a domain name have been bulk ordered by multiple customers and the domain name is not ordered through a regular order we will randomly select one of the customers and try to register the domain for them.

If we fail to register a domain name that has been bulk ordered there is no charge whatsoever.

Price .FI Price .NO Price .NU Price .SE
200 SEK 200 SEK 250 SEK 250 SEK

Other Services

All prices include Swedish VAT (25%).

Service Price .FI Price .NO Price .NU Price .SE
Registration of domain 200 SEK 200 SEK 250 SEK 250 SEK
Renew domain 200 SEK 200 SEK 225 SEK 225 SEK
Change registrar 0 kr 0 kr 0 kr 0 kr
Transfer domain ownership (per batch) 600 kr 600 kr 600 kr 600 kr